
UCL Faculty of Laws


UCL Legal Studies Research Paper Series

UCL Legal Studies Research Paper Series

UCL Laws is an agenda-setting community of legal scholars. Informed by a rich heritage of philosophical, contextual and empirical enquiry, our research has real-world impact, shaping legal and judicial policy in the UK and across the globe. The Faculty launched its own UCL Legal Studies Research Paper Series (RPS) in October 2018 which contains works in progress and published papers from our faculty. 


Dr Bernard Keenan, Lecturer in Law, University College London


RPS 28/2024  Structural Injustice and Human Rights: The Case of Begging by Virginia Mantouvalou
RPS 27/2024  Calibrating Agnosticism: Theories of Bureaucratic Motivation in Administrative Law by Kenta Tsuda
RPS 26/2024  Managing the Risk of Conflict between Private International Law Treaties by Alex Mills
RPS 25/2024  Inferring a 'Dispute' from State Silence by Danae Azaria
RPS 24/2024  Google AdTech: Break Up or Break Out? by Todd Davies & Zlatina Georgieva
RPS 23/2024  Conclusion to “State Silence Across International Law: Meaning, Context, and Developments” by Danae Azaria
RPS 22/2024  State Silence and the Law on the Use of Force by Danae Azaria
RPS 21/2024  Introduction to "State Silence Across International Law: Meaning, Context, and Developments" by Danae Azaria
RPS 20/2024  Religious Expression and Exemptions in the Private Sector Workplace: Spotting Bias by Myriam Hunter-Henin
RPS 19/2024  Minding Competition in Complex Adaptive Social Systems: The Sociological Approach to Competition Law by Ioannis Lianos
RPS 18/2024  Non-Custodial Sentences and Human Rights by Virginia Mantouvalou & Hadassa Noorda
RPS 17/2024  A Framework for Implementing the Right of the Child to Play: Space, Time, Acceptance, Rights-Informed by Naomi Lott
RPS 16/2024  Towards a Legal Theory of Digital Ecosystems by Ioannis Lianos, Klaas Hendrik Eller & Tobias Kleinschmitt
RPS 15/2024  Proportionality without Balancing by George Letsas
RPS 14/2024  Commercial Common Sense in Contract Interpretation: A Legal Realist Analysis by Marc Moore
RPS 13/2024  Tacit Agreements by Danae Azaria 
RPS 12/2024  Ventriloquism in Geneva: The League of Nations as International Organisation by Megan Donaldson
RPS 11/2024  Peace, War, Law: Teaching International Law in Contexts by Megan Donaldson
RPS 10/2024  Structural Injustice and the Law - Introduction by Jonathan Wolff & Virginia Mantouvalou
RPS 09/2024  Private Equity's Neglected Pre-History: A Trans-Atlantic Perspective by Marc Moore
RPS 08/2024  The Agency Costs of Multi-Product Private Equity Suites: Towards a Post-Jensenian Paradigm by Marc Moore & Chris Hale 
RPS 07/2024  Reflections on War in Ukraine and International Law by Martins Paparinskis
RPS 06/2024  Myths and Misconceptions in Extraterritorial Torts by Haim Abraham
RPS 05/2024  Moderating Model Marketplaces: Platform Governance Puzzles for AI Intermediaries by Robert Gorwa and Michael Veale
RPS 04/2024  Dual or Single Gauge? Govert Den Hartogh's ‘Dual-Track’ Assisted Death by Isra Black
RPS 03/2024  Frameworks for Accountability: How Domestic Tort Law Can Inform the Development of International Law of State Responsibility in Armed Conflicts by Haim Abraham
RPS 02/2024  Legislative Reform in the EU – The Role of Drafting in Legislative Quality by Helen Xanthaki
RPS 01/2024  Landmark Cases in Private International Law: Godard V Gray and Schibsby V Westenholz (1870) by Joshua Folkard and Ian Bergson


RPS 23/2023  What Does it Mean for Lawyers to Uphold the Rule of Law? by Richard Moorhead, Kenta Tsuda and Steven Vaughan
RPS 22/2023  Politics and Expertise: New Environmental Targets in English Environmental Law by Maria Lee
RPS 21/2023  The Indirect Legal Effects of Non-Binding Agreements by Danae Azaria
RPS 20/2023  When a House is not the (Matrimonial) Home by Leon Vincent Chan
RPS 19/2023  Salomon vs Salomon by Marc T. Moore
RPS 18/2023  Fraud, Trusts and Trusting: Enforcing Crown Forfeitures in Equity, c.1570–1620 by David Foster
RPS 17/2023  Judicial Review and Presidential Elections in Africa by Berihun Adugna Gebeye
RPS 16/2023  Rationalising the Penalties Rule by Prince Saprai
RPS 15/2023  State Silence as Acceptance: A Presumption and an Exception by Danae Azaria
RPS 14/2023  The Conditions for Inferring a 'Dispute' from State Silence by Danae Azaria
RPS 13/2023  Reflections on the Law Governing Confidentiality in Arbitration by Lawrence Collins
RPS 12/2023  The Use and Abuse of 28 U.S.C. Section 1782 Litigation in England by Lawrence Collins
RPS 11/2023  The Histories, Practices, and Policies of Community Data Governance in the ‘Global South’ by Divij Joshi & Aditya Singh
RPS 10/2023  Public Trusts, 1750-1850 by Charles Mitchell
RPS 09/2023  The Rule of Law by Jeff King
RPS 08/2023  Environmental Democracy and Law on Public Participation by Maria Lee
RPS 07/2023  Constitution-Making as a Technique of International Law: Reconsidering the Post-War Inheritance by Anna Saunders
RPS 06/2023  Law after Dominium: Thinking with Martti Koskenniemi on Property, Sovereignty and Transformation by Anna Saunders
RPS 05/2023  Historical Conceptions of the Express Trust, c 1600-1900 by David Foster
RPS 04/2023  The Four Faces of Ethiopian Federalism by Berihun Adugna Gebeye
RPS 03/2023  The EU’s Evolving Approach to Environmental Sustainability in Free Trade Agreements by Gracia Marin Duran
RPS 02/2023  The Identity of the Constitutional Subject and the Construction of Constitutional Identity: Lessons from Africa by Berihun Adugna Gebeye
RPS 01/2023  Balancing as a Legal Method: What It Is and How (Not) to Do It by George Letsas


RPS 21/2022  Religious Neutrality at Europe's Highest Courts: Shifting Strategies by Myriam Hunter-Henin
RPS 20/2022  Netting Off Gains and Losses in the Law of Unjust Enrichment by Charles Mitchell
RPS 19/2022  International Law Since the Cold War: Jurisdiction by Alex Mills
RPS 18/2022  The Unethical Environmental Lawyer by Steven Vaughan
RPS 17/2022  The Figure of the Lawyer in Orford's International Law and the Politics of History by Megan Donaldson
RPS 16/2022  Carbon Border Adjustments: Ensuring Compatibility With the International Climate and Trade Regimes by Gracia Marin Duran
RPS 15/2022  The Law and Political Economy of AI Governance in India by Divij Joshi
RPS 14/2022  Justificanda by Charles Mitchell & Jessica Hudson
RPS 13/2022  Queering the Reasonable Person by Haim Abraham
RPS 12/2022  The Disappointment of Climate Change Legislation: Investigating Tensions with the Rule of Law by Eloise Scotford
RPS 11/2022  Climate Change and the Rule of Law(Yers): What Thinner and Thicker Accounts Might Require of Those in Practice by Steven Vaughan
RPS 10/2022  From ‘Corporate Governance’ to Ecological Regulation: Flipping the Regulatory Story on Climate Change by Christine Parker
RPS 09/2022  Environmental Rule of Law as Key to Strengthening the Response to the Climate Crisis: A Comment by Maria Socorro Manguiat
RPS 08/2022  A Changing Climate for In-House Lawyers? What Should They Really Say to Clients? by Peter Kellett
RPS 07/2022  Do England & Wales Qualified Solicitors Have a Legal Duty to Advise Their Clients on Climate-Related Risks? by Sarah de Gay
RPS 06/2022  Never Let Me Go: Private Law and the Conservative Impulse by Prince Saprai
RPS 05/2022  Justifying and Challenging Territoriality in Private International Law by Alex Mills
RPS 04/2022  Thinking, Talking and Acting about Public Health Ethics in the COVID-19 Pandemic by Jonathan Montgomery, Kenneth Kaufman & Richard Williams
RPS 03/2022  Crippling Compensation in the International Law Commission and Investor–State Arbitration by Martins Paparinskis
RPS 02/2022  Structures of Injustice, the Law, and Exploitative Work by Virginia Mantouvalou
RPS 01/2022  Tort Liability, Combatant Activities, and the Question of Over-Deterrence by Haim Abraham


RPS 06/2021  Long Live Monetary Gold *Terms and Conditions Apply by Martins Paparinskis
RPS 05/2021  The Boundaries of Peace-Making: British Imperial Encounters, c. 1700–1900 by Megan Donaldson
RPS 04/2021  The Power to Consent and the Criminal Law by Mark Dsouza
RPS 03/2021  Probing the Hidden Depths of Climate Law: Analysing National Climate Change Legislation by Eloise Scotford
RPS 02/2021  Legislation and the Stress of Environmental Problems by Eloise Scotford
RPS 01/2021  Rethinking Clean Air: Air Quality Law and COVID-19 by Eloise Scotford

Further past papers can be found on SSRN


We welcome submissions from members of UCL Laws, doctoral students and visiting scholars. To submit papers to the UCL Legal Studies Research Papers Series, please write to the Editor, including the paper, an abstract and key words.