Philosophical Foundations of Contract Law
Edited by Gregory Klass, George Letsas and Prince Saprai
18 December 2014
In recent years there has been a revival of interest in the philosophical study of contract law. In 1981 Charles Fried claimed that contract law is based on the philosophy of promise and this has generated what is today known as ‘the contract and promise debate’.
Cutting to the heart of contemporary discussions, this volume brings together leading philosophers, legal theorists, and contract lawyers to debate the philosophical foundations of this area of law.
- Published by Oxford University Press, 2014
About the Editors
- George Letsas is Professor of Philosophy of Law at UCL Laws and Co-Director of the UCL Institute for Human Rights.
- Prince Saprai is a Senior Lecturer at UCL Laws and a member of the Advisory Board for the UCL Centre for Ethics and Law.
- Gregory Klass is Professor of Law at Georgetown University.