Key information
- PhD title: The principle of ne bis in idem in law and practice of the International Criminal Court.
- Bachelor of Laws (Kyiv International University) (2006), Master of Laws (Kyiv International University) (2007), LLM (Cambridge) (2014)
Gaiane joined the Faculty of Laws in September 2015 as an MPhil/PhD Candidate. She is writing her thesis in international criminal law, under the supervision of Professor O'Keefe and Dr Trapp. Gaiane is researching the principle of ne bis in idem in international criminal law. Her research project is supported by the UCL Faculty of Laws Research Scholarship.
Research Supervisors
Areas of Expertise
Public International Law
Research Interests
Human Rights, International Criminal Law, Public International Law
UCL Associations/Academic & Professional Memberships
- UCL Journal of Law & Jurisprudence (Board Member)
- 2017 UCL Laws Postgraduate and Early Careers Conference
Current Teaching
LAWS7002 - Public International Law - LLB Option
Professional Experience
- 2008 - 2012: European Court of Human Rights
- 2012 - 2013: Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society
- 2014 - 2015: International Advisory Panel on Ukraine, Council of Europe
Public Engagements & Media Coverage
- Blog Entry: "'Admissibility Challenge in the Prosecutor v. Saif Al-Islam Gaddafi: Take Two"
- Blog Entry: "Ukraine vs. Russia in International Courts and Tribunals", EJIL: Talk!
- Blog Entry: "A New Model for Transitional Justice Process in Democracies Facing Challenge", International Law Observer
- Blog Entry: "Crimea Secession Claims, Right to Self-Determination and the Kosovo Precedent", International Law Observer
- Blog Entry: "Crimean Secession: No Right to Divorce", CJICL Blog
- Blog Entry: "(Non-)Recognition of De Facto Regimes in Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights: Implications for Cases Involving Crimea and Eastern Ukraine"
'Crimea in International Courts and Tribunals: Matters of Jurisdiction’ in Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, Volume 21 (2017) (forthcoming)
Review of Yvonne McDermott, Fairness in International Criminal Trials in Journal of International Criminal Justice 15(1)
- Review of Milanovic and Wood (eds), The Law and Politics of the Kosovo Advisory Opinion, Cambridge Journal of International and Comparative Law 5(1)
Edited Volumes
- Anna Austin, Gaiane Nuridzhanian, ‘International Advisory Panel on Ukraine: A New Model for Transitional Justice?’ in López Guerra, L. and Casadevall, J. (2015). El Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos. Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
Case Notes (Published in Oxford Reports on International Criminal Law)
- ‘Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Judgment on the appeals against the ‘Decision establishing principles and procedures to be applied to reparations’ of 7 August 2012’, ICL 1655 (ICC 2015), 3 March 2015
- ‘Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision on the review concerning reduction of sentence of Mr Thomas Lubanga Dyilo’, ICL 1656 (ICC 2015), 22 September 2015
- ‘Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision designating a State of enforcement’, ICC 1657 (ICC 2015), 8 December 2015
- ‘Prosecutor v William Samoei Ruto and Joshua Arap Sang, Decision on Prosecutor’s Application for Witness Summonses and resulting Request for State Party Cooperation’, ICL 1598 (ICC 2014), 17 April 2014
- ‘Prosecutor v Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, Decision on the set of Procedural Rights Attached to Procedural Status of Victim at the Pre-Trial Stage of the Case’, ICL 1539 (ICC 2008), 13 May 2008
- ‘Prosecutor v Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui, Decision on the Joinder of the Cases against Germain Katanga and Mathieu Ngudjolo Chui’, ICL 880 (2008), 10 March 2008
- ‘Prosecutor v Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Decision of the Appeals Chamber on the Joint Application of Victims a/0001/06 to a/0003 and a/0105/06 concerning the ‘Directions and Decisions of the Appeals Chamber’ of 2 February 2007’, ICL 1513 (2007), 13 June 2007