
UCL Faculty of Laws


Clare James

Key information

  • PhD title: Regulating geoengineering with international environmental law
  • LLB, University College London, (1998), PGCLP College Of Law, London (1999), LLM with specialisation in Environmental Law & Policy, University College London (2010) 
  • clare.james.09@ucl.ac.uk

Clare joined the Faculty of Laws in October 2012 and is doing research in the field of geoengineering and international environmental law. 

Clare has spent most of her academic career at UCL, but in between her undergraduate degree and LLM, she qualified as a solicitor with global law firm Allen & Overy LLP, spending time in Paris and London in the banking and finance department. She advised on large leveraged finance transactions and derivative structures.

Clare went in-house between 2002-2007 working as general counsel and finance director for a medium sized property development company. After her second child was born in 2007, Clare took a postgraduate course in environmental ethics which led to the LLM at UCL in 2009. In turn, the climate change law and energy law courses on the LLM sparked her interest in geoengineering.

Clare is interested in all aspects of climate change, international environmental governance and the interface between science, technology and policy.

Research Supervisors

  • Professor Catherine Redgwell
  • Professor Jane Holder

Areas of Expertise

Environmental Law, Public International Law

Research Interests

Climate Change, geoengineering, international environmental law, environmental ethics and the law, Public Participation in the Environmental Law Context, Technology Governance

UCL Associations/Academic & Professional Memberships

Professional Experience

  • 1999 - 2002: Solicitor, Allen & Overy LLP
  • 2002 - 2007: General Counsel, Trilogy Homes