A level results day 2023
17 August 2023
UCL Faculty of Laws congratulates all students who have received their A level results today and will be joining UCL Laws in September 2023.

On Thursday 17 August, students across the country have received their A-level results and had their places at universities and colleges confirmed.
UCL Laws is delighted to welcome our new undergraduate students - we look forward to meeting you in the upcoming academic year.
Applicants who have a conditional offer should check their application status on UCAS to see whether they have met the grade requirements.
Next steps
Incoming students are advised to check their email regularly for further information on your next steps. Undergraduate applicants who have met the conditions of their offer will be sent an email in the coming weeks inviting you to start the enrolment process.
UCL have put together some key information, gudiance for incoming students and frequently asked questions on their on their Results Day 2023 page.
Study at UCL Laws
Are you considering studying for a law degree at UCL? Find out more about our undergraduate and postgraduate degree programmes, or register your interest in studying with us to be the first to hear about upcoming open days, updates and more.
We are committed to widening access to higher education - find out more about our contextual offer scheme for undergraduate applicants; our Target Law Mentoring Scheme for Year 12 students; and other Widening Participation opportunities across UCL.
Image credit: UCL Imagestore