UCL Laws LLM students celebrate at Law Teachers' Programme event
9 January 2020
Students who took part in the programme were recognised for their efforts at a celebratory event earlier this month.

Certificates were awarded to LLM students for their participation and contributions to the Law Teachers’ Programme at a celebratory event last month (5 December). The LTP aims to encourage reflection on the theories and practice of legal pedagogy and to help develop stimulating, engaging and inclusive law teaching.
The students’ contributions took various forms – posters, slides, talks, book and article reviews, and blog posts – on various subjects, including: decolonising the law curriculum, visual learning, teaching in multicultural settings, mooting as learning, digital and other forms of assessment, and legal education for sustainable development. These contributions will enhance greatly the learning of future cohorts on the Programme.
Alison Bone, University of Brighton, gave a talk on her experiences as initiator and judge of the Law Teacher of the Year Award, and Sarah Campling, Director of the LLM Programme, awarded the certificates.
We are delighted that William Twining, founder of the LTP, will give a concluding talk on ‘The Law Teacher’ on Tuesday 4 February, 6-7.30 Keeton Room. Please sign up if you would like to attend.