Professor Ronan McCrea writes about referendum on blasphemy laws in The Irish Times
24 October 2018
In an article published today in The Irish Times, Professor McCrea discusses the upcoming Ireland referendum on blasphemy laws.

Professor Ronan McCrea, Professor of Constitutional and European Law at UCL Laws, has written an article on the referendum to remove the criminalisation of blasphemy from the Irish constitution. Professor McCrea has also been quoted on CNN in relation to the referendum.
Professor McCrea argues that, in an increasingly diverse society with different views on what kind of criticism of religion is legitimate a 'nod and wink' approach under which blasphemy is technically a crime but never actually punished is unsustainable. Clarity is needed and Ireland should follow the large number of European countries that have repealed their blasphemy laws in recent years.
Read the article in the Irish Times in the full
Read the article on CNN in full