
UCL Faculty of Laws


Professor Jonathan Montgomery is member of oversight group for the Academy of Medical Science

7 July 2017

Professor Jonathan Montgomery, Professor of Health Care Law at UCL Faculty of Laws, was a member of the oversight group for a major new report published by the Academy of Medical Science How can we all best use scientific evidence?

Professor Montgomery was particularly concerned with matters of conflicts of interest, drawing on his responsibilities as Chair of the Health Research Authority, which is charged with protecting and promoting the interests of participants, patients and the public in health and social care research.

Annex E to the Report makes proposals for identification, management, and openness in relation to competing and conflicting interests in industry/academic collaborations. The report also draws attention to the fact that current patient information leaflets fail adequately to support informed decisions by patients.

This view chimes with Professor Montgomery’s own work, which has argued that regulatory requirements often serve to transfer risks to patients rather than protect their autonomy rights. See in particular ‘Law and the Demoralisation of Medicine’ (2006).


Watch Professor Montgomery’s lecture on ‘New Bearings in Health Research Ethics: Towards a Social Contract Paradigm’ at The J Kenyon Mason Annual Lecture in Edinburgh.

Professor Montgomery’s presentation examined the changing landscape of health research regulation. He argued that health research is no longer the sole prerogative of health professionals and that the legitimacy of the traditional norms and processes may no longer be fit for purpose. Lastly, he explored whether a new paradigm, grounded in social contract is required.

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George Griffin Lecture 2017  – ‘Making the UK a great place to do research – Opportunities and challenges’