UCL Laws students and alumni on a tour of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal
30 August 2017

On 28 August 2017, 37 prospective and current UCL Laws students and alumni attended a very enjoyable tour of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.
The guides explained the history of and changes in use of this beautifully restored monument (from Supreme Court, to Legislative Council Building to the present CFA). We were also shown its architectural features memorabilia (such as its collections including a replica of the Magna Carta) and its inter-active gallery, library and museum.
The group was especially lucky to have met with Mr Justice Joseph Fok PJ (LLB 1984) who gave a short informal talk, followed by a lively Q&A session giving the enthusiastic students a chance to ask him a wide range of questions.
Many thanks to Mr Justice Fok for helping arrange this inspirational tour and to the UCL Hong Kong Club and its president Andrew Ng, UCL Laws LLB Alumnus.