UCL Laws academics submit evidence on ‘human rights implications of Brexit’
11 October 2016

The submission was prepared with input from members of UCL Laws: Professor Nicola Countouris (Professor of Law) Professor Piet Eeckhout (Professor of EU Law), Professor Jeff King (Professor of Law), Dr Virginia Mantouvalou (Reader in Human Rights and Labour Law, Co-Director of Human Rights Institute at UCL) Dr Ronan McCrea (Senior Lecturer in Law) and Professor Colm O’Cinneide (Professor of Constitutional and Human Rights Law) and submitted to the Joint Committee of Human Rights.
The focus of the analysis was on the impact of Brexit on the rights of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens abroad, human rights currently protected by EU law and human rights protection in international trade.
Dr Mantouvalou said:
‘Brexit may have grave human rights implications, affecting the private and professional lives of EU citizens in the UK and UK citizens in other member states.
Leaving the EU also creates a legal situation where protection of labour rights or anti-discrimination laws could be reduced or eliminated. Our submission to the Joint Committee of Human Rights explains these human rights implications’.