
UCL Faculty of Laws


John Hennessy SC - LLM 1995

John Hennessy

I read  for my LLM at UCL, graduating in 1995 and I am now based in Sydney, Australia. I was called to the Bar in 1997 and I took silk in 2011. I currently practice as a specialist in Intellectual Property.

During my time at UCL Laws, I particularly enjoyed my time in and around Bentham House. From the sherry parties to Dr Christopher Allen’s Wigmorean charts (Evidence and Proof), it proved to be a warm and enriching environment and one that left me with many happy memories and the privilege of having been well educated in a particular field of learning.

A few years after returning to Australia, while attending an intellectual property conference I had the good fortune to meet the internationally-renowned Professor Sir Hugh Laddie, who had just commenced as the  Chair in Intellectual and Property Law at UCL Laws. We spoke enthusiastically about UCL and his excitement at being involved in the development of the intellectual property disciplines at UCL. Sadly, his life was cut short but it has been delightful to see Professor Sir Robin Jacob take up the Sir Hugh Laddie Chair and to watch UCL’s profile in the IP space soar.

Each time I return to London I make sure I visit Bentham House, no matter how tight the turnaround. It is always a wonderful moment to see the fine building again, draw on many happy memories and appreciate how fortunate I was to have spent time in such a wonderful institution.