
UCL Faculty of Laws


Online | A Smarter Approach to Sentencing? – The Sentencing White Paper

21 October 2020, 5:30 pm–7:00 pm

prisoners in stripy clothing, with ball and chain on ankles

A UCL Centre for Criminal Law discussion event

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UCL Laws Events

About this event

On 16 September, the Ministry of Justice published what it described as a ‘landmark White Paper’ that the Secretary of State for Justice, Robert Buckland, stated was ‘the first step in a fundamental shift in our approach to sentencing, towards one that is fairer, smarter and ultimately better protects the public’. Whilst much of the pre-publication publicity focused on the proposals designed to ensure that certain violent and sexual offenders serve longer periods in custody, this wide-ranging White Paper also contains a number of measures designed to promote alternatives to custodial sentences, including a problem-solving court pilot scheme and proposals to reform community orders.

In response to the publication of the A Smarter Approach to Sentencing White Paper, the Centre for Criminal Law and the Sentencing Academy are pleased to host an online discussion event.

Speakers include:

  • Professor Andrew Ashworth (University of Oxford),
  • Kate Aubrey-Johnson (Garden Court Chambers),
  • Umar Azmeh (BCL Solicitors LLP),
  • Phil Bowen (Centre for Justice Innovation) and
  • Professor Nicola Padfield (University of Cambridge).

The event will be jointly chaired by Prof. David Ormerod, QC (Hon), Professor of Criminal Justice at UCL, and Dr Lyndon Harris, Sentencing Academy.

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Please email the UCL Laws events team if you have any queries about this event - laws-event@ucl.ac.uk