Competition Law & Digital Markets: Towards a Re-nationalisation of Competition Law Enforcement in EU
30 October 2019, 1:30 pm–2:30 pm

Event Information
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UCL Laws Events
Moot Court, UCL Faculty of LawsBentham House, Endsleigh GardensLondonWC1H 0EG
organised by the UCL Centre for Law, Economics & Society
Assimakis Komninos (White & Case LLP, Brussels)
About this event
There has been a proliferation of national cases in Europe involving digital markets, in particular cases against platforms. Sometimes these cases are based on national competition laws only, though in most cases NCAs also apply EU law. At the same time, there is a plethora of expert reports that are published both at EU and at national level. In some Member States there are concrete proposals to change the national rules on unilateral conduct and lower certain standards of intervention (e.g. Germany, The Netherlands). Are we in front of a re-nationalisation of competition law enforcement in Europe and is the European Commission losing its intellectual leadership? What about the conflict rules of Regulation 1/2003? Are they still fit for purpose?