
UCL Faculty of Laws


Drafting and negotiating research agreements: Non-IP terms

31 October 2017, 1:00 pm–4:45 pm


Event Information

Open to





UCL Faculty of Laws and UCL Institute of Brand and Innovation Law


UCL venue to be confirmed

About this course

This is a companion to our one-day course, Drafting IP Terms in Research Contracts.

In this course we focus on the main terms in research agreements between universities (and other non-commercial bodies, eg NHS Trusts and research institutes) and commercial parties. But we leave out any discussion of the IP terms, as these are covered in detail in the companion course.

This half-day course (3 hours’ CPD) provides training and practical exercises in the drafting and negotiation of research agreements.

We discuss the main drafting, commercial and practice issues affecting each of these types of agreement, and look at the wording of sample clauses and agreements.

No prior experience of these agreements is required, but attenders are likely to gain more benefit from the discussion if they have been involved in drafting or negotiating them. The course is suitable for lawyers, commercial managers and those in technical roles (eg project managers and scientists).

Specific topics to be considered in the course will include:

  • Context: use of standard templates, industry practice, and international comparisons
  • The detailed terms, including work, publications, payment, termination, liability, and law and jurisdiction
  • Dangerous terms that should be avoided.
  • Negotiating issues that frequently arise and how to deal with them.
  • Associated legal issues
  • Drafting tips and pointers

Preparation for the course

Although not essential, attenders may find it helpful to read the following practitioner texts as preparation for the workshop:

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, attenders should have a better and more detailed understanding of the terms of research agreements, certain drafting and negotiating issues that arise, some typical provisions that are encountered, and how to analyse and assess such provisions. Attenders should have greater confidence in challenging badly-drafted provisions and protecting their organisation’s interests in relation to such agreements.

This course can be taken as a full day course with:
Drafting and Negotiating Preliminary Agreements: CDAs, Options and MOUs (31 October from 09:30 – 12:45)


1300Registration and coffee
1330Context, template agreements, industry practice, key issues encountered
1400Discussion of detailed terms: work, payment, termination, liability, law and jurisdiction
1530Afternoon tea
1545Discussion of detailed terms, continued
1600Drafting exercises (if time) and answers
1645End of course


If you have any queries about this course please contact Lisa Penfold at the UCL Faculty of Laws by emailing lisa.penfold@ucl.ac.uk