
UCL Faculty of Laws


Europe and the world: A law review

19 June 2017, 6:00 pm–7:00 pm

Europe and the World

Event Information

Open to



UCL Laws and UCL Press


UCL Gustave Tuck Lecture Theatre, Wilkins Building, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT

This is a launch event for the new journal ‘Europe and the World: A law review’
co-organised by UCL Laws and UCL Press

Keynote speech from
Prof. Miguel Poiares Maduro (European University Institute)

Caroline Wilson (Foreign and Commonwealth Office)

About the journal

Europe and the World – A Law Review aims to contribute to legal scholarship on the place of Europe in the world, with a particular but by no means exclusive focus on the EU’s external relations law.

 The journal serves as a forum where the national, international and EU perspectives meet and engage. The journal is therefore irreverent of traditional distinctions between EU, international, and national law. While primarily offering legal doctrinal and theoretical analyses, the journal also publishes multi-disciplinary work and political science and international relations contributions with an external perspective on the law of EU’s external relations.

Journal includes 4 articles  and 1 editorial

  • ‘Making Transnational Markets: The institutional politics behind the TTIP’, Marija Bartl.
  • ‘The EU and International Dispute Settlement’, Allan Rosas.
  • ‘Of Presidents, High Representatives and European Commissioners: The external representation of the European Union seven years after Lisbon’, Frank Hoffmeister.
  • ‘(Not) Losing Out from Brexit’, Annette Schrauwen.
  • Editorial

About the editors

Christina Eckes is Professor of European law at the University of Amsterdam and director of the Amsterdam Centre for European Law and Governance (ACELG). Her particular research interests are the internal constitutional consequences of the European Union’s external actions and the legal limits of European integration. In 2009 she published the monograph EU Counter-Terrorist Policies and Fundamental Rights – The Case of Individual Sanctions (Oxford University Press). She spent the academic year 2012/2013 as Emile Noël Fellow-in-residence at New York University.

Piet Eeckhout is Professor of European Law and Vice-Dean (Staffing) at University College London. He is a leading expert of EU external relations law. His research interests are EU constitutional law, human rights law, internal market law, judicial protection, and WTO law. His monograph EU External Relations Law (2nd ed, Oxford University Press, 2011) is the leading text in this area. He is co-editor of Current Legal Problems (UCL and Oxford University Press) and of the Oxford EU Law Library (Oxford University Press).

Anne Thies is Associate Professor in Law at the University of Reading. In her research she focuses on EU law and public international law. She is particularly interested in EU external relations law, the interrelationships between different international legal systems and international dispute settlement. She has written a monograph on International Trade Disputes and EU Liability (Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy series, CUP, 2013). Anne obtained a Jean Monnet Fellowship at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies of the European University Institute in Florence (2010/11). She is co-founder of the Interest Group “The EU as a Global Actor” of the European Society of International Law (ESIL), which was launched in September 2012.




Welcome and Introductions
Editors of the Journal







Keynote speech on ‘Can Europe Save Democracy?’
Prof. Miguel Poiares Maduro





Questions and Answers
Facilitated by Caroline Wilson






UCL Press








Drinks Reception


For queries

Please email the UCL Laws events team on laws-events@ucl.ac.uk