
UCL Faculty of Laws


Book Launch: Provisional Measures before International Courts and Tribunals

07 December 2017, 6:00 pm–8:00 pm

Book Launch: Provisional Measures

Event Information

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UCL Laws

Author: Dr Cameron Miles (3 Verulam Buildings)

Chair: Professor Maurice Mendelson QC (Blackstone Chambers)

Discussants: Associate Professor Antonios Tzanakopoulos (University of Oxford), Dr Philippa Webb (KCL, 20 Essex Street) and Dr Martins Paparinskis (UCL Laws)

About the book:

In the modern era of international courts and tribunals, provisional measures of protection have become one of the mainstays of international procedural law, providing vital protection to the status quo whilst final resolution of a dispute is pending. Since the 2001 decision of the International Court of Justice in LaGrand (Germany v United States of America), moreover, the law of provisional measures has expanded dramatically both in terms of the volume of relevant decisions and the complexity of their reasoning.

In his book, Provisional Measures before International Courts and Tribunals (CUP, 2017), Cameron Miles seeks to describe and evaluate this expansion, and to undertake a comparative analysis of provisional measures jurisprudence in a range of significant international courts and tribunals so as to situate interim relief in the wider procedure of those adjudicative bodies. The result is the first comprehensive examination of the law of provisional measures in over a decade, and the first to compare investor-state arbitration jurisprudence with more traditional inter-state courts and tribunals.

The launch of this volume provides a welcome opportunity to consider comparative aspects of the law of provisional measures, and how that law has developed since the book was published in January 2017, including (inter alia) the sequence of decisions of the International Court of Justice in Jadhav Case (India v Pakistan)Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (Ukraine v Russian Federation) and Immunities and Criminal Proceedings (Equatorial Guinea v France).