
UCL Faculty of Laws


Alessandro Di Stefano

Key information

Email: alessandro.stefano.23@ucl.ac.uk

Alessandro DS

Alessandro joined the Faculty of Laws as a MPhil candidate in September 2023. Within the framework of the ELS (European Law School), Alessandro has completed a Graduate Degree (‘Licence’) in Law at Université Paris-Panthéon-Assas before completing an LLM at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin in German Public and EU Law. Alessandro followed the ELS programme with the completion of a Master of Laws programme (LLM) at King’s College London. Alessandro has also been teaching French constitutional and contract law at UCL since October 2022.


Research Supervisors:

Areas of expertise:

Public law, with a focus on administrative and planning law; contract law; comparative law.

Research projects:

Research associate for Dr Yael Lifshitz’ research project ‘Planning for the Future’ at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London funded by the British Academy’s Policy Insight Case Studies scheme.

Research interests:

Public-private decision-making; contractualization of administrative action; planning (law)

Professional experience:

  • Guest Lecturer in French Law at UCL, academic year 2022-2023[
  • Internship at HW&H (Hertslet Wolfer & Heintz) Avocats & Rechtsanwälte in the department of real estate and environmental law, 2023;
  • Currently a research associate for the British Academy’s Policy Insight Case Studies scheme funding Dr Yael Lifshitz’ research project ‘Planning for the Future’ at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London.