Environmental law conference, March 2015
30 March 2015–31 March 2015, 2:00 pm–2:00 pm

A special conference to mark Professor Richard Macrory’s contribution to the development of environmental law.
Event Information
Open to
- All
Centre for Law and Environment
UCL Laws, 1-2 Endsleigh Street, London WC1H 0EG.
Effective Enforcement of Environmental Law at the UCL Faculty of Laws on Monday 30 March 2015 from 2 – 6pm and Tuesday 31 March 2015 at 9am – 2pm.
This conference brings together some of the leading contemporary figures in environmental law to explore the enforcement of environmental law at national, European and international level. The event is being organized to mark Professor Richard Macrory 65th birthday and his contribution to the development of environmental law.
Sessions will cover:
- criminal and non-criminal sanctions,
- specialized environmental courts and tribunals,
- access to national and EU Justice,
- enforcement of EU environmental law,
- enforcement of international environmental law,
- enforcement and environmental governance.
This conference is accredited with 6.5 CPD hours with the SRA and BSB. Places are limited and early booking is advised.
Moderators and panelists to date include:
- Paul Bowden, Partner, Freshfields, Bruckhaus and Deringer
- Anne Brosnan, Deputy Director (Chief Prosecutor) Legal, Environment Agency
- James Burton, Barrister, 39 Essex Street Chambers
- Liam Cashman, DG Environment, European Commission
- Professor Jan Darpo, Uppsala University, Sweden
- Richard Gordon QC, Barrister, Brick Court Chambers
- Sibylle Grohs, DG Environment, European Commission
- Martin Hedemann-Robinson, University of Kent
- Professor Jane Holder, UCL
- Professor Jan Jans, University of Groningen
- Richard Kimblin, Chair UK Environmental Law Association
- Dr Ludwig Kramer, Consultant ClientEarth
- Peter Lane, President, General Regulatory Chamber, England and Wales
- Luc Lavrysen, Judge, Constitutional Court of Belgium
- Professor Richard Macrory, UCL
- Bridget Marshall, Head of Operations Legal SEPA and senior policy adviser to Scottish government.
- Alistair McGlone, member Aarhus Compliance Committee
- Professor Massimiliano Montini, University of Siena
- Professor Catherine Redgwell, Chichele Professor of International Law, University of Oxford
- Jonathan Robinson, Executive Director of Resources and Legal Services, Environment Agency
- Edward Ruggeri, Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners, Milan
- Aine Ryall, University of Cork
- Professor Philippe Sands QC, UCL
- Lord Justice Sullivan, Senior President of Tribunals
- Sharon Turner, Visiting Professor UCL
- Ned Westaway, Barrister, Francis Taylor Buildings
- Professor Gerd Winter, Unversity of Bremen
- Merideth Wright, former Presiding Judge, Vermont Environment Court