This is the download page for the JDI Near Repeat ToolKit - a software tool for clustering analysis developed as part of the ESRC-funded 'Predictive Mapping' knowledge transfer project (completed by Professor Shane Johnson and Dr Toby Davies).
The JDI Near Repeat ToolKit is a programme which performs space-time clustering analysis on point-level crime data. The software tests for, and quantifies, association between the spatial and temporal distributions of criminal events. Clustering of this type is a commonly-studied topic in environmental criminology, and its existence can be interpreted as evidence of a contagion-like process in the occurrence of crime.
The software implements two versions of the Knox text for space-time clustering: a univariate version for single event types, and a bivariate version, which can be used to examine the dependence between two different types of event. Details of these tests, and their application to crime data, can be found in the following publications:
- Johnson SD, Bernasco W, Bowers KJ, Elffers H, Ratcliffe J, Rengert G, and Townsley MT (2007). Space-Time Patterns of Risk: A Cross National Assessment of Residential Burglary. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 23(3), 201-219.
- Johnson SD, Summers L and Pease K (2009). Offender as Forager? A Direct Test of the Boost Account of Victimization. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 25(2), 181-200.
- Braithwaite A and Johnson SD (2012). Space-Time Modeling of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Iraq. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 28(1), 31-48.
As well as implementing these tests, the toolkit allows the results of the analysis to be visualised, with near-repeat patterns displayed in an interactive map against an OpenStreetMap background (NOTE: an internet connection is required for this mapping functionality).
The software and manual (including installation instructions) are available at the following links:
NOTE: This software is provided as-is, and neither UCL or the authors take any responsibility for its operation or the outputs that it produces. The software is not actively supported, but please contact us with any issues that arise.