Project objectives
The Design Against Crime Research Centre (DACRC) in partnership with the UCL Jill Dando Institute of Crime Science and in collaboration with Elisava school of design (Barcelona), worked with bars in London (JD Wetherspoon) and bars in Barcelona (Glaciar and Horiginal) to assess the usability of the latest DAC bag hanging Grippa design prototypes, for both bar customers and staff.
Description of the work
Four bag hanging objects and five graphic communication proposals were tested during the 2008-9 period in order to learn about the public responses to the designs, across the cultures of these two metropolitan cities. The results were intended to inform the final round of designs to be tested for their crime prevention effectiveness. This research forms part of the Grippa 2 crime prevention design evaluation project, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, 2006-2009.
Sidebottom, A. and Bowers, K. (2010). Bag theft in bars: An analysis of relative risk, perceived risk and modus operandi. Security Journal, 23(3): pp. 206-224.
Bowers, K., Sidebottom, A. and Ekblom, P. (2009). CRITIC: a prospective planning tool for crime prevention evaluation designs. Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 11(1): pp. 48-70
COPS guide: Theft of Customers' Personal Property in Cafés and Bars