
IOE - Faculty of Education and Society


Taking risks: ECTs trying something new and not being afraid of it | ECF Staffroom S01E03

29 September 2022

Listen to the third episode of the ECF Staffroom, the podcast giving a voice to teachers, allowing them to discuss their growing confidence and be a window into the ECF experience for others.

ECF Staffroom podcast artwork

Nathan Williams, Mitchell Scott and Daniel Ruy Pereira are in the second year of their ECF programme. We talked to them about how they had enjoyed working on their practitioner inquiries, how they have drawn on wider mentoring support and how the year has changed them as teachers.

Listen to the podcast

SoundCloud Widget Placeholderhttps://soundcloud.com/ioelondon/taking-risks-ects-trying


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You can also read the podcast episode transcript.
