Event type:

In person

Date & time:

08 May 2024, 17:30 – 19:00

How to critically evaluate educational research: The growth mindset case

Join this event to hear Ilya Zrudlo illustrate four complementary ways in which teachers and teacher educators can critically evaluate the results of educational research.

Two students reading in the library seen from above. Credits: Tony Slade for UCL Digital Media
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How to critically evaluate educational research: The growth mindset case

08 May 2024, 17:30 – 19:00

Ilya Zrudlo

Postdoctoral Fellow

the Department of Philosophy at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada

He has two main research programmes. The first investigates the moral and intellectual capacities young people need to acquire in order to contribute to the development of their communities, particularly in urban contexts in North America.

The second research programme focuses on teaching and teacher education, exploring the nature of teaching itself, the role of philosophy in teacher education, and how philosophical analyses of popular educational slogans and interventions can protect teachers from the ongoing torrent of fads and fashions in the field.

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Yuxin Su
