Curatorial tours: Generation UCL: 200 Years of Student Life in London
Join this event to hear Georgina Brewis and Sam Blaxland give a curatorial tour of the UCL public exhibition 'Generation UCL: 200 Years of Student Life in London'.
During this tour, you'll get a chance to learn more about the objects on display and the stories that they can tell from one of the exhibition curators.
‘There is no university without its students.’ This is the concept at the heart of 'Generation UCL: 200 Years of Student Life in London’, which is now open in UCL’s Octagon Gallery.
The exhibition portrays students as foundational to the story of UCL, exploring their experiences over time and reassessing students’ impact on UCL’s almost 200-year history. The exhibition also explores the formation of Students’ Union UCL, now one of the largest student-led organisations in the world.
UCL students played important roles in building a wider student movement in Britain, helping found organisations including the National Union of Students, the West African Students’ Union and the Central Union of Chinese Students.
Tour times
This in-person event will be particularly useful for students, researchers and alumni.
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