Internationalisation and global citizenship in higher education
This event covers two talks on the topic, firstly reviewing case studies from Brazil, Poland, the UK and the USA, followed by a case study from an African university.

Internationalisation and global citizenship in higher education – reviewing case studies from Brazil, Poland, the UK and the USA
Speaker: Monika Kraska Birbeck (University of Portsmouth)
Internationalisation and global citizenship are two important phenomena that have been influencing and changing contemporary higher education. There is a variety of literature about each concept and it has also been claimed that they are inter-related. However, there are limited studies about how these relationships are formed and how they look in practice. This presentation will introduce a model of the relationships between internationalisation and global citizenship, based on the studies of the literature and empirical findings from four case studies in Brazil, Poland, the UK and the USA.
Curriculum internationalisation and global citizenship in an African university
Speaker: Simon Eten (IOE)
The presentation will draw on findings from a case study on curriculum internationalisation and global citizenship in one African university. Employing interviews and focus groups as well as document analysis, the research assessed the views and experiences of lecturers, students, and institutional heads on curriculum internationalisation within the international discourse on global citizenship. The analysis and interpretation of the findings is done within a theoretical framework of a Critical Global Pedagogy. This framework draws on three theoretical perspectives of a Pedagogy for Global Social Justice, Critical Pedagogy and Postcolonial Theory.
Eten uses insights from these theoretical perspectives to address questions on the skills/values dimensions of global citizenship, the inclusive uptake of marginalised knowledges in teaching and learning as well as issues around the continuity of colonial forms in practices of curriculum internationalisation and global citizenship formation at the case study institution. The rationale for the use of the proposed framework of a Critical Global Pedagogy is in enabling a situated analysis of curriculum internationalisation and global citizenship development at the case study institution drawing on its socio-cultural and historical specificities.
This event will be particularly useful for those interested in higher education.
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