Event type:

In person

Date & time:

19 May 2021, 17:30 – 19:00

VIRTUAL EVENT: The struggle for racial equality and civic renewal in public education

In this webinar, Emeritus Professor Lawrence Blum (University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA) discusses his new co-authored book, ‘Integrations: The Struggle for Racial Equality and Civic Renewal in Public Education’.

Two students reading textbooks outside in the park. Image: Zen Chung from Pexels
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VIRTUAL EVENT: The struggle for racial equality and civic renewal in public education

19 May 2021, 17:30 – 19:00

Lawrence Blum

Emeritus Professor of Philosophy and Distinguished Professor of Liberal Arts and Education

the University of Massachusetts Boston

Lawrence works in race studies, philosophy of education, and social and political philosophy. He is the author of '"I’m Not a Racist, But…": The Moral Quandary of Race' (2002), which was selected best social philosophy book of the year by the North American Society of Social Philosophy.

He is also the author of 'High Schools, Race, and America’s Future' (2012), based on a course on race and racism he taught for four semesters.

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Alison Brady
