VIRTUAL EVENT: LondonEd 2021
This year’s virtual conference takes the overarching theme of tackling inequalities in the education system.

London schools have a strong record of success in tackling disadvantage and inequality, but there is always more to do, especially in this extraordinary year.
LondonEd 2021 invites academics and practitioners to come together to explore the evidence and share innovative yet practical strategies to support all students to excel.
This conference is a collaborative project led by the three London EEF Research Schools: Rathfern Primary, a Chartered College Hub, and UCL Institute of Education's Research and Development Network.
IOE speakers
Each day of the conference will investigate a different aspect of inequality. Many IOE academics are participating in presentations and live panels throughout the week-long conference - we have highlighted them below.
- Schools for success: accelerating the progress of lower prior - Karen Spence-Thomas and Mark Quinn, Programme Leaders.
- How to close the disadvantage gap - Dr James Mannion, Bespoke Programmes Leader.
- Balancing the curriculum: creativity, arts, culture and disadvantage - Dominic Wyse, Professor of Early Childhood and Primary Education.
Hosted by Karen Spence-Thomas. Speakers include Dominic Wyse from the IOE.
- Catch-up interventions: The traps schools fall into and how to avoid them - Dr Rob Webster, Associate Professor.
- Back on Track: supporting children with special educational needs during Covid-19 - Dr Amelia Roberts, Deputy Director of the UCL Centre for Inclusive Education.
Speakers include Amelia Roberts from the IOE.
Further information
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