Event type:

In person

Date & time:

16 Jun 2021, 17:30 – 19:00

VIRTUAL EVENT: Competence, skills, and epistemic injustice

In this webinar, Dr Marabini and Dr Moretti (University of Aberdeen) explore the epistemic injustices of 'minimal instruction theory'.

Person writing in notebook whilst studying. Image: Gabby K via Pexels
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VIRTUAL EVENT: Competence, skills, and epistemic injustice

16 Jun 2021, 17:30 – 19:00

Alessia Marabini (PhD, Bologna)

High school teacher and member of the Centre for Knowledge and Society, the University of Aberdeen

Alessia's research areas are epistemology and philosophy of education. In epistemology of education, she has articles in the Journal of Philosophy of Education and the Italian monograph, Epistemology of Education: Critical Thinking, Ethics and Epistemic Injustice (Aracne, 2020). 

Luca Moretti (PhD, King's College London)

Reader of Philosophy

the University of Aberdeen

Luca's research areas include epistemology, philosophy of education, and philosophical logic. He has two monographs: Seemings and Epistemic Justification (Springer, 2020) and Appearance and Explanation (OUP, forthcoming) co-authored by Kevin McCain. 

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Alison Brady
