Event type:

In person

Date & time:

14 Jan 2021, 14:00 – 15:00

VIRTUAL EVENT: Rethinking merit in pursuit of fairer admission to universities in England

This webinar presents findings from a Nuffield Foundation funded research project which explored how selective universities in England conceived of ‘fair admission’, both before and after the call to 'rethink merit’.

Student in a library. Image: bantersnaps via Unsplash
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VIRTUAL EVENT: Rethinking merit in pursuit of fairer admission to universities in England

14 Jan 2021, 14:00 – 15:00

Vikki Boliver

Professor of Sociology

Durham University

Vikki is also a member of the Higher Education and Social Inequality research group at Durham University.

She researches socioeconomic and ethnic inequalities in rates of acceptance to highly selective UK universities among comparably qualified applicants. 

Her research prompted the UK government to require universities to publish detailed admissions statistics annually to increase transparency and accountability. 

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Centre for Global Higher Education
