VIRTUAL EVENT: Navigating timescapes and faculty life in the urban Global South
This webinar will discuss a study on Bangladeshi faculty. A study which highlights the inter-relationships between temporality, work experiences, and daily life in a Global South urban context.

Temporality is defined as existing within and having a relationship to time. When exploring different aspects of higher education (HE), this remains unexamined and undertheorised. But what does exist in HE literature is mostly grounded in the Global North and Western contexts.
Most of these observational studies that relate to time focus on universities in North American or in Western European contexts. These studies have critically explored the increasing speed, digitalisation, work load, uncertainty, and challenges that affect academic life (both at work and personal lives).
Temporality remains unexamined when exploring higher education in the Global South (a recent exception is Valenzuela and Barnett 2012 Chilean study). Less is known about how temporality influences academic work in rapidly developing HE systems in South Asia.
In this talk, the speakers will discuss the inter-relationships between temporality, work and life in Bangladesh.
Image: Kelly Lacy via Pexels
Riyad A. Shahjahan
Associate Professor of Higher, Adult and Life Long Education (HALE)
Michigan State University
Riyad is a core faculty member of Muslim Studies, Chicano/Latino Studies, the Asian Studies Center, and the Center for Advanced Study of International Development.
Tasnim A. Ema
Undergraduate student
Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tasnim's interests primarily include medical anthropology, the political economy of health and illness, political ecology and migration.
Nisharggo Niloy
Nisharggo completed his post-graduate at the Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka. His interests include political communication in the public sphere, modernity in South Asia, partisan tendencies in South Asian politics, neocolonialism, rhetoric and semiotics.
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