VIRTUAL EVENT: Rethinking global common goods in HE through the concept of tianxia weigong
This webinar will explore the Chinese concept of tianxia weigong (all under heaven is for all or belongs to all), in relation to global common goods in higher education (HE).

The current dominant interpretations of global public and common goods are based on the Anglo-American dualistic worldview of I and non-I.
This worldview assumes a zero-sum relationship and continuous conflict between I and non-I. Also, the world is understood through self-interested nation-states, also known as ‘methodological nationalism’.
This approach to global public and common goods has led to numerous problems. For example, the exacerbating international conflicts, longstanding inequality gaps, and under-provision of certain global collective goods in higher education.
This webinar will claim that these problems can be addressed through the Chinese concept, tianxia weigong (all under heaven is for all or belongs to all).
The tianxia weigong approach sheds light on what global collective goods higher education produces, and how to adjust the organisation of higher education to sustain its production of global collective goods.
- Lili Yang, Post-Doctoral Research Associate at the Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE). Lili works on the project 'Local and global public good of higher education: 10 nation study'.
- Lin Tian, Assistant Professor at Hunan University, China.
Image: Mat Wright for UCL
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