VIRTUAL EVENT: Public good in higher education across international boundaries
This webinar explores papers from the Centre for Global Higher Education (CGHE) doctoral students, currently in the final year of their studies.
This webinar will illustrate the research of two University of Oxford PhD Researchers on CGHE’s global higher education engagement programme.
How do international students navigate their post-study options?
Tom Brotherhood
Tom draws on international students’ extended narratives for insight into their agency and their capacity to determine their education and life pathways amid the constraints of the migration system in the country of study.
International students have become a large group of actors in the higher education sector, but perhaps it is only now, with COVID-19 eating into student populations, that universities, policy makers and social researchers are realising how important international students are.
Their post-study outcomes also matter for both host and sending countries. Too often, international students’ own perspectives have been a black box of unknowns. This webinar paper hopes to change that.
Similarities and differences between notions of ‘public’ in the Chinese and liberal Anglo-American traditions, and the implications for higher education
Lili Yang
Lili Yang compares the state-centred Chinese tradition with the liberal Anglo-American tradition in higher education, which are situated in two very distinctive political cultures. She focuses especially on the contributions made by higher education to the public good, which are understood in very different ways in the UK/United States and in China.
The two halves of the comparison have points in common but divergent political and social imaginaries, approaches to individualism and collectivism, and ideas of the ‘public’ and of the role of government in education.
Lili's research focuses especially on what the two traditions say about ‘equity’ in higher education and where they have different strengths. Lili will ask the question ‘do East and West have something to learn from each other?’ Is there potential for greater commonality, synergy and complementarity in the approaches taken by each of China and the Anglo-American world? Can they blend the best things in each higher education system?
Image: Lum3n via Pexels
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