Early Leadership Summer School
A professional leadership development programme for new and aspiring leaders.
Are you a new leader in the early stages of your leadership career? Or are you ready to apply for your first leadership role? Then this is the programme for you. It will help you develop your leadership skills and confidence as well as strategies to lead and manage a team and improve teaching and learning.
The programme will help you to:
- understand yourself as a leader
- understand others - behaviours and motivation
- develop a range of skills necessary for effective leadership
- gain confidence when having challenging conversations
- develop and understand professional dialogue
- ask the right questions about data
- Be a catalyst for change.
Who can apply?
This programme is for you if you are in a first leadership position or a middle leader who has not undertaken any professional leadership development. Also suitable for professional staff leading a team of support staff or administrators.
Programme content
Participants must attend all face-to-face sessions to complete the programme. In addition an expectation of this programme is that you will take part in a Skype presentation in early December. This will be in the form of a 10 to 15 minute presentation with the facilitator and other participants to share your learning and how you have applied this in your work context. Alternatively participants may join a final twilight session here at UCL IOE in October to give their presentation.
Short inter-sessional tasks will be undertaken between the leadership days. At the end of the programme you will receive a certificate of completion.
- Being proactive.
- Having vision
- Prioritising
- Understanding others
- Teamwork
- Work/life balance
- Communication skills.
- Experience of monitoring
- Giving feedback
- Using data for improvement
- Influences on adult learning
- Feedback on performance.
- Thinking styles
- Professional dialogue
- Critical incidents
- Setting up a 'focus for change' project.
Fees for 2019/20
£600 for the three day programme at the UCL Institute of Education (IOE). Cost also includes a copy of the UCL IOE 'Catalyst' resource designed by Professor Louise Stoll.
21 to 23 July 2020.
For international schools and groups of schools, the programme can be run at your overseas venue. Contact us for costs and more information.
I've grown as a leader since being on the programme. The delivery was superb and inspirational.
A very strong course, amazing group discussions and excellent delivery.
Really engaging, very well facilitated - insightful. Would highly recommend.
Further information
Pre-booking essential
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