Early Leadership (new version for 2020)
A professional leadership development programme for new and aspiring leaders.
Are you a new leader in the early stages of your leadership career? Or are you ready to apply for your first leadership role? Then this is the programme for you. It will help you develop your leadership skills and confidence as well as strategies to lead and manage a team and improve teaching and learning.
Who can apply?
This programme is for you if you are in a first leadership position or a middle leader who has not undertaken any professional leadership development. Also suitable for professional staff leading a team of support staff or administrators.
The programme will help you to:
- understand yourself as a leader
- understand others - behaviours and motivation
- develop a range of skills necessary for good leadership
- gain confidence when having challenging conversations
- develop and understand professional dialogue
- ask the right questions about data
- be a catalyst for change.
Programme content
Participants must attend all face-to-face sessions and undertake inter-sessional tasks to complete the programme. The programme finishes with a learning conversation and celebration twilight when you will present and discuss your action research with a small group.
- Being proactive
- Having vision
- Prioritising
- Understanding others
- Teamwork
- Work/life balance
- Communication skills.
- Experience of monitoring
- Giving feedback
- Using data for improvement
- Influences on adult learning
- Feedback on performance.
- Thinking styles
- Professional dialogue
- Critical incidents
- Setting up a 'focus for change' project.
- Present 'focus for change' research to a small group
- Learning conversation.
Inter-sessional tasks will be undertaken between the leadership days. Throughout the duration of the programme participants will carry out a small scale action research project and present this in a learning conversation at the end of the programme.
Programme Structure
Participants must attend all face-to-face sessions and undertake inter-sessional tasks to complete the programme. The programme finishes with a learning conversation and celebration twilight where you will present and discuss your 'focus for change' project with a small group.
About the programme
The programme is based upon Southworth's work on the leadership of learning together with 'Catalyst' a resource developed by Professor Louise Stoll at UCL Insitute of Education (IOE).
Fees for 2019/20
£600 for the six month professional programme which includes three face-to-face leadership days and a final twilight session at the IOE.
Cost also includes a copy of the UCL Institute of Education 'Catalyst' resource.
Session dates for the next cohort:
- Day one TBA
- Day two TBA
- Day three TBA
- Final twilight TBA
To express your interest in the programme please email your details to ioe.lcllprogrammes@ucl.ac.uk.
I've grown as a leader since being on this programme. The delivery was superb and inspirational.
Every session has been so useful and effective, a great opportunity for professional dialogue.
The course has been invaluable and I would recommend it to anybody who is new to leadership.
Further information
Pre-booking essential
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