Event type:

In person

Date & time:

22 Jan 2020, 17:30 – 18:45

Understanding the social and cultural bases of Brexit

In his lecture, Tak Wing Chan will use data from a large-scale and nationally representative survey to evaluate the public debate surrounding the outcome of the 2016 EU referendum vote.

Professor Tak Wing Chan for IOE Lectures
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Understanding the social and cultural bases of Brexit

Watch Brexit: understanding the social, cultural and economic narratives | UCL Institute of Education on YouTube.
Tak Wing Chan

Professor of Quantitative Social Science

UCL Institute of Education

Tak Wing Chan's main research areas are social inequality and mobility, sociology of culture, and family demography. He is a deputy director of the UCL QStep Centre and has published papers on social mobility and wellbeing, family size and educational attainment, terrorist attack and labour market discrimination, among other topics.

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Kate Thomas
