Theme leader: Professor Toby Greany
The research in this strand aims to get inside the 'black box' of reform by asking 'what works for whom under what circumstances, how and why?'
Models of reform
Our work provides critical perspectives on school system reform which ask not only why some things work or don't work, but also probe the implications of different reform approaches for leadership and whether existing models of reform are appropriate in the context of societal inequalities and wider global challenges.
Recent publications
Greany, T. (2018). Innovation is possible, it's just not easy - Improvement, innovation and legitimacy in England's autonomous and accountable school system. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 46(1): 65-85.
Greany, T. (2018). System Leadership and Collaboration - A new skillset for leaders? School Leadership Today, 8(5), 50-59.
- Professor Louise Stoll (Self-Improving School Systems)
- Dr Rob Higham (Changing Policy Landscapes)
- Dr Melanie Ehren (Evaluation and Decentralised Governance)
- Dr Trevor Male (Leadership in Multi-Academy Trusts)
- Dr David Godfrey (School Systems and Self-Improvement)
- Dr Ruth McGinity (Innovation and Autonomy)