Publications from the Development Education Research Centre (DERC).
- International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning
- DERC research paper series
- DERC authored research reports and journal articles
- DERC books and book chapters
- DERC supported research: Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Papers | Global Learning Programme (GLP) Innovation Fund Research Papers | Other
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International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning
The Development Education Research Centre (DERC) founded the International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning in 2008 and DERC Associate Director Clare Bentall remains the Editor. It is published by IOE press as a peer-reviewed, open access bi-annual journal focussing on development education and related concepts. For further information go to the IJDEGL website:
DERC research paper series
- Bourn, D; Kalsoom, Q; Soysal, N; & Ince, B; (2023) Student Teachers' Understanding and Engagement with Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in England, Türkiye (Turkey) and Pakistan. DERC Research Paper no. 23. London: UCL IOE
- Bourn, D. & Hatley, J. (2022) Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence in Schools in England. DERC Research Paper no. 22. London: UCL IOE
- Blum, A and Bourn, D (2019). Study Abroad and Student Mobility: Stories of Global Citizenship. DERC Research Paper no. 21. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Pendry, V. (2018). Using global data in primary mathematics. DERC Research Paper no. 20. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Lawson, HS. (2018). Primary pupils' attitudes towards and understandings of poverty. DERC Research Paper no. 19. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Bourn, D. (2018). Fairtrade in Schools and Global Learning. DERC Research Paper no. 18. London: UCL Institute of Education, in partnership with the Fairtrade Foundation
- Hunt, F. (2017). Schools for Future Youth Evaluation Report: Developing young people as active global citizens. DERC Research Paper no. 17. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Alcock, H. L. and L. Ramirez Barker (2016). Can global learning raise standards within pupils' writing in the primary phase? DERC Research Paper no. 16 for the GLP. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Hunt, F. and O. Cara (2015). Global Learning in England: Baseline analysis of the Global Learning Programme Whole School Audit 2013–14 DERC Research Paper no. 15 for the GLP. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Brown, K. (2015). Young people's understandings of global poverty. DERC Research Paper no. 14 for the GLP. London: UCL Institute of Education
- Hunt, F. and King, R. P. (2015). Supporting whole school approaches to global learning: focusing learning and mapping impact. DERC Research Paper No. 13 for the GLP. London: IOE
- Bourn, D. (2014). School Linking and Global Learning – Teachers' Reflections. DERC Research Paper No. 12, London: IOE
- Bourn, D. (2014). The Theory and Practice of Global Learning. DERC Research Paper No. 11 for the GLP. London: IOE
- Bourn, D. and Cara, O. (2013). School Linking – Where Next? Partnership Models between Schools in Europe and Africa. DERC Research Paper No. 10, London: IOE
- Hunt, F. (2012). Global Learning in Primary Schools in England: Practices and Impacts. DERC Research Paper No. 9, London: IOE
- Leonard, A. (2012). The 'Aston-Makunduchi partnership': South-North School Link. Case Study. DERC Research Paper No. 8, London: IOE
- Miller, G., Bowes, E., Bourn, D. and Castro, J. M. (2012). Learning about Development at A-Level. DERC Research Paper No. 7, London: IOE
- Bourn, D. and Bain, M. (2012). International School Partnerships: Contribution to Improving Quality of Education for Rural Schools in Uganda. DERC Research Paper No. 6, London: IOE
- Bourn, D. and Cara, O. (2012). Evaluating Partners in Development: Contribution of International School Partnerships to Education and Development. DERC Research Paper No. 5, London: IOE
- Bourn, D. (2012). Global Learning and Subject Knowledge. DERC Research Paper No. 4, London: IOE
- Lambert, D. and J. Morgan (2011). Geography and Development: Development education in schools and the part played by geography teachers. DERC Research Paper No. 3, London: IOE
- Bourn, D. and K. Brown (2011). Young People and International Development: Engagement and Learning. DERC Research Paper No. 2, London: IOE
- Bourn, D. and F. Hunt (2011). Global Dimension in Secondary Schools. DERC Research Paper No. 1, London: IOE
DERC authored research reports and journal articles
- Bentall, C. & Hunt, F. (2022). The value of third sector organisations’ provision of global learning CPD in English schools. Professional Development in Education.
- Bourn, D. (2021). Global Skills and Global Citizenship Education. In E. Bosio (Ed.), Conversations on Global Citizenship Education. New York: Routledge.
- Bentall, C. (2020). The impact of international volunteering on returned volunteers’ engagement with social action in relation to international development. Compare: A journal of comparative and international education.
- Torres, CA & Tarozzi, M (2020). Multiculturalism in the world system: towards a social justice model of inter/multicultural education. Globalisation, societies and education, 18 (1), pp: 7–18
- Tarozzi, M & Mallon, B. (2019). Educating teachers towards global citizenship: A comparative study in four European countries. London Review of Education, 17 (n.2), pp.112–125
- Blum, N., Berlin, A., Isaacs, A., Burch, WJ., Willott, C. (2019). Medical students as global citizens: a qualitative study of medical students' views on global health teaching within the undergraduate medical curriculum. BMC Medical Education , 19 (1) , Article 175
- Khazem, D (2018). Critical realist approaches to global learning: A focus on education for sustainability. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning
- Tarozzi, M and Inguaggiato, C. (2018). Implementing GCED in EU primary schools: the role of ministries between coordinate and parallel action. International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, X10 (1)
- Tarozzi, M & Inguaggiato, C. (2018). Teachers’ education in GCE: emerging issues in a comparative perspective. Bologna: Università di Bologna
- Bourn, D., Hunt, F., & Bamber, P. (2017). A review of education for sustainable development and global citizenship education in teacher education. UNESCO GEM Background Paper. Paris: UNESCO
- Bourn, D. (2017). Putting the voice of young people at the heart of global citizenship education. European Commission Erasmus+ Schools for Future Youth Project
- Bourn, D., Hunt, F., Blum, N. and H. Lawson (2016). Education for Global Learning and Sustainability. CPRT Research Survey no. 5 (new series). York: Cambridge Primary Review Trust
- Bourn, D. (2016). Global Citizenship and Youth Participation in Europe. SFYouth project. London: Oxfam GB and UCL Institute of Education
- Blum, N. (2015). Topic Guide: Education, Climate and Environment. Evidence on Demand. London: UK Department for International Development
- Murdan, S., Blum, N., Francis, S. A., Slater, E., Alem, N., Munday, M., Taylor, J. and Smith, F. (2015). Global health learning outcomes for pharmacy students in the UK. Pharmacy Education, 15 (1), 189–192
- Warwick, I., Costa, F., & Bourn, D. (2015). Makutano Junction Project – Research Evaluation Report. London: UCL Institute of Education.
- Murdan, S., Blum, N., Francis, S., Slater, E., Alem, N., Munday, M., Taylor, J. and Smith, F. (2014) The Global Pharmacist. London: UCL School of Pharmacy and the Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University of London
- Bentall, C., Bourn, D., McGough, H. & Spours, K. (2014). Global Learning for Global Colleges: creating opportunities for greater access to international learning for 16–25 year olds. Journal of Further and Higher Education
- Bentall, C. and McGough, H. (2013). Young people's personal engagement with global learning in Further Education, International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning.
- Skinner, A., Blum, N. & Bourn, D. (2013). Development Education and Education in International Development Policy: Raising Quality through Critical Pedagogy and Global Skills, International Development Policy.
- Blum, N. and Bourn, D. (2013). Gyaan Yatra – Final Evaluation. Asian Foundation for Philanthropy
- Blum, N. & Bourn, D. (2013). Global perspectives for global professionals in the UK: engaging students within engineering and health. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, vol.43 (1), pp37–55
- Willott, C., Blum, N., Burch, W., Page, B. and Rowson, M. (2012). The Global Doctor. London: UCL Institute for Global Health and the Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University of London
- Maud, J., Blum, N., Short, N. and Goode, N. (2012). Veterinary Students as Global Citizens: Exploring opportunities for embedding the global dimension in undergraduate veterinary education. London: Royal Veterinary College and Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education
- McGough, H. and Hunt, F. (2012). The Global Dimension: A Practical Handbook for Teacher Educators. DERC. London: IOE
- Bentall, C. (2012). The Naitika Project: Final Project Evaluation. Evaluation of DFID DAF project for Asian youth. Asian Foundation for Philanthropy
- Hunt, F., Li Ting Chung, H., Rogers, M. with S. Inman (2011). Taking Stock: A report from the UK Teacher Education Network for sustainable development (ESD) /global citizenship (GC) – survey on provision for ESD/GC in initial teacher education in the UK. London: London South Bank University
- Bourn, D., Blum, N. and Bentall, C. (2010). Learning and skills for a global economy: the response of further education college and other training providers to the challenges of globalisation. LSIS Research Report, Coventry: LSIS
- Bentall, C. Bourn, D. Blum, N. (2010). Returned Volunteers and Engagement with Development: Final Report for VSO Longitudinal study. Development Education Research Centre, Institute of Education, University College London: London, UK
DERC books and book chapters
- Bourn, D. (2023). Research in Global Learning: Methodologies for global citizenship and sustainable development education. London, UCL Press
- Bourn, D. & Tarozzi, M. (2023) . Pedagogy of Hope for Global Social Justice: Sustainable Futures for People and the Planet. London, Bloomsbury
- Bourn, D. (2022) Education for Social Change. London, Bloomsbury
- Hunt, F. (2020) Characteristics of a Global Learning School. In D. Bourn (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. Bloomsbury
- Bentall, C. (2020) Continuing Professional Development of Teachers of Global Learning: What Works? In D. Bourn (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. Bloomsbury
- Blum, N. (2020) Study Abroad as a Route to Global Citizenship: Student Perspectives in the UK. In D. Bourn (Ed.), The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. Bloomsbury
- Bourn, D. (2020). The Bloomsbury Handbook of Global Education and Learning. Bloomsbury: London, UK
- Bourn, D. (2018). Understanding Global Skills for 21st Century Professions. Palgrave Macmillan: London, UK
- Bourn, D. (2014). The Theory and Practice of Development Education: A pedagogy for global social justice. Routledge: Abingdon, UK
- Blum, N. (2012). Education, community engagement and sustainable development: negotiating environmental knowledge in Monteverde, Costa Rica. Dordrecht: Springer
DERC supported research
Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Papers
- England, R. (2022) Exploring Historical Colonial Relationships in North-South School Partnerships. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 13.
- Cook, S. (2022) Exploring the impact a school partnership can have on the school community in challenging stereotypical images. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 12.
- Yates, J. (2022). Global learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 11.
- Ager, J. (2022). Looking through both lenses: exploring long term school partnerships from the perspectives of both Cumbrian and Tanzanian teachers. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 10.
- Galpin, A. (2022). How can we use visual literacy (picture books) to impact pupils’ understandings of global learning issues? Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 9.
- Cotton, C. (2022). Exploring a Multi-Country Partnership Through a 'Zero Waste' project. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 8.
- Flint, S. (2022). Wales & Lesotho school partnerships – a study exploring the impact on learning in 4 schools. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 7.
- Simpson, J. (2022). Exploring the transformative potential of specific pedagogies on pupils’ awareness and critical understandings of global issues. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 6.
- Reid, K. (2022). A global partnership from the perspective of the Southern school: Perceptions, pedagogies, and the power of love. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 5.
- Stones, T., Collacott, M., & Christie, B. (2022). Developing a whole campus approach to learning for sustainability: Challenges and opportunities for embedding and sustaining change. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 4.
- Roots, A. (2022). Do teachers see global school partnerships as a tool to deliver antiracist and inclusive approaches? Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 3.
- Meredith, A. (2022). A study exploring the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on overseas school partnerships. Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 2.
- Tinkler, A. (2021). What perceptions do children involved in an active school partnership with a school in India have of the country? Connecting Classrooms through Global Learning Practitioner Research Fund Paper 1.
Global Learning Programme (GLP) Innovation Fund Research Papers
- Cotton, C. (2018). A study exploring the sustainability of global learning in schools. GLP Innovation Fund Research Paper no. 7
- Yates, J. (2018). How can the Philosopher’s Backpack enrich critical global thinking? GLP Innovation Fund Research Paper no. 6
- Simpson, J. (2018). Participatory Pedagogy in Practice: Using effective participatory pedagogy in classroom practice to enhance pupil voice and educational engagement. GLP Innovation Fund Research Paper no. 5
- Ballin, B., McGuire, A. and Murphy, L. (2018). Towards an understanding of the contribution of global learning to the wellbeing and mental health of young people with special educational needs. GLP Innovation Fund Research Paper no. 4
- Lewis, M. (2016). A study of a focused, critical approach to pupils' images and perceptions of Africa. GLP Innovation Fund Research Paper no. 3
- Simpson, J. (2016). A study to investigate, explore and identify successful 'interventions' to support teachers in a transformative move from a charity mentality to a social justice mentality. GLP Innovation Fund Paper no. 2. London: GLP
- Heuberger, M. (2014). 'Worldmindedness' and Development Education: A Teacher Voice. GLP Innovation Fund Paper no. 1, London: GLP.
- Eten Angyagre, S. & Hannam, Y. (2022) Cultures of Decolonisation at UCL. UCL's Grand Challenge of Cultural Understanding Working Group: London, UK
- Pasha, A. (2014). Global Citizenship in Pakistan: A Brief (0.2MB, PDF)
- Trewby, J. (2012). What is the UK Global Justice Movement and how do individuals engage with it?
Global Education Digest
The Global Education Digest is a project to provide a regularly updated bibliography of academic and research materials relevant to the field of global education. It is compiled by DERC on behalf of Global Education Network Europe, as part of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning project.
Recent publications
- Global Education Digest 2021
- Global Education Digest 2020
- Global Education Digest 2018
- Global Education Digest 2015–2017
DERC produced similar ‘Development Education Digest’ annually from 2010 – 2015. Please email us if you want to access them.