Dr Nordiana Nordin
Position: Geriatric and Medical Consultant/ Head of Geriatric Unit
Medical Department, Sungai Buloh Hospital, Selangor
Mrs Monica Francise Xavier
Position: Senior Occupational Therapist
Geriatric Unit, Sungai Buloh Hospital, Selangor
CST Provision
At present, Mrs Xavier and our Geriatric Team members are actively running the CST group sessions in Hospital Sungai Buloh Malaysia. Unfortunately, the trial was put on hold during the height of COVID for 2 years and it was resumed recently.
A new CST provision is also being set up KPJ Damansara Specialist Hospital, Selangor, Malaysia. Currently, the training of in-house nurses and therapists (occupational therapist and physiotherapists) is taking place. The CST program is planned to start in February.
CST Research
Clinical effectiveness of CST is measured based on daily living functional activities, as well as other aspects of dementia screening and assessments. Also there is a cultural adaptation of the CST programme at the centre.
1st Prize Winner for Oral presentation: Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) in Mild to Moderate Dementia in Hospital Sungai Buloh. 21st Asia Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International (APRC 2019) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 2019.
Poster presentation: Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) in Mild to Moderate Dementia – Hospital Sungai Buloh, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Francise Xavier, M.1 , Wan Zainal Abidin, W. N.2, Hamzah, F.2,Hashim, A.2, Nordin, N.2. 35th Global Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International (2022)
Oral Presentation: Cognitive stimulation therapy in mild to moderate dementia in Hospital Sungai Buloh. 9th Selangor Research Conference. September 2022 at Auditorium Perdana, National Institute of Health (Med J Malaysia Vol 77 Supplement 3 September 2022 Pg13)