Dr. Prof. Silvia Kochen
ENyS (Estudios en Neurociencias y Sistemas Complejos) – HEC (Hospital El Cruce)
Clínica de la Memoria – AMI (Asistencia Médica Integral) – UNAJ (Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche)
Research team
Mrs. Patricia Solis - Neuropsychologist (email:
Mrs. Nancy Medel - Neuropsychologist
Mrs. Inés Mintz - Neuropsychologist
Mrs. Ivana Villella - Neuropsychologist
Mrs. Julieta Lisso - Neurologist
Mrs. Zulma Sevillano - Neurologist
Research projects
The project involved the translation and cultural adaptation of the CST manual. The study was conducted at the Memory Clinic (Clínica de la Memoria) in AMI (Asistencia Médica Integral) in Florencio Varela, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. The adaptation was made following the FMAP method (formative method for adapting psychotherapy) developed by Hwang W. C. This involved interviews with people with dementia and caregivers, and consultation with healthcare professionals. A feasibility study was then carried out in order to test the applicability and cultural sensitivity of the adapted manual to the Argentinian population living from dementia. This involved running two CST groups, each with 4 participants.