Hanna's research is concerned with the politics of urban circulation. It examines how embodied movement and infrastructural circuits in the city relate to questions of urban exclusion, encounter and participation, as well as to wider global circulations.
Her PhD dissertation, completed at the Centre for Urban Conflicts Research, University of Cambridge in 2017, was titled 'Navigating the neoliberal settler city: Palestinian mobility in Jerusalem between exclusion and incorporation' and showed how mobility operates on various registers to modulate degrees of urban inclusion and exclusion.
Currently a Research Associate the UCL European Institute, Hanna is building on the findings of her doctoral work and the questions it has evoked for other - less overtly contested - cities. She will thus use the IAS Visiting Research Fellowship period for a research project on the intersections between local and international circulations in London - with a particular view to urban austerity and food networks - and begin working her dissertation into a monograph.