IAS Early-Career Academics Network - Social Gathering
28 February 2022
The IAS is launching a network to bring together early-career academics (ECAs) working in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) across UCL. We will be hosting our first social gathering on 16th March.
Our working definition of AHSS is capacious: if your work involves AHSS approaches, feel free to join (even if you’re based in a primarily STEM faculty). Our definition of early-career is similarly broad: the network is open to PhD candidates at any stage and to all postdocs and lecturers (anyone on grade 7 or grade 8).
Our aims are to integrate dedicated AHSS intellectual content with cross-disciplinary intellectual exchange, skills development and career guidance. And, not least, to offer opportunities for sociability and informal sharing of ideas and experiences. The network will be based on a series of events, including workshops on writing and on crossing boundaries of all kinds. Over time, it can evolve in response to the suggestions and contributions of participants.
Following the inspiring discussions and ideas from the first online session, we are planning an in-person social gathering on Wednesday 16th March, 2-4pm.
If you are interested in joining us, please send us an email (p.llombart@ucl.ac.uk).