IAS Early Career Network: Applying for a Job at a UK University
17 January 2024, 2:00 pm–4:30 pm

In this workshop IAS Director, Nicola Miller, will guide you through the stages of the application process.
This event is free.
Event Information
Open to
- All | UCL staff | UCL students
- Yes
- Free
Institute of Advanced Studies
IAS Common GroundG11, ground floor, South WingUCL, Gower Street, LondonWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
This afternoon workshop will guide you through the stages of the application process, from drafting your application materials, to designing your job talk, preparing for interview and responding to a rejection. We will highlight the differences between applying for an academic post (research and teaching); a teaching-only post; and a research-only post.
The workshop is specifically intended to give you an insight into the expectations and priorities of UK academic culture, although some of the general advice about what to do/not to do would also apply to other countries. There will be examples of good practice, tips about what to avoid, a chance to share experiences and time to ask questions.
2.00-3.00 pm The application materials: your letter of application; cv; application form; statements of teaching philosophy/research trajectory
3.00-3.40 pm The job talk (where most people make mistakes at first)
3.40-3.50 pm Break
3.50-4.15 pm The interview
4.15-4.30 pm If you don’t get it ...
Please register at https://ias-ecn-jobapplications.eventbrite.co.uk
To find out more about the Early Career Network and how to join, please visit the IAS ECN website here.