
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Transplanetary Ecologies Workshop 2: In-Person Edition

07 June 2023, 10:00 am–6:00 pm

paint swirl, like a planet

Join us in-person for The Transplanetary Ecologies Workshop 2, part of the Centre for Outer Space Studies (COSS) Space Week at UCL

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

All | UCL staff | UCL students






Rachel Hill and Makar Tereshin


UCL Institute of Archaeology
31-34 Gordon Sq,

The interplay between natural and social phenomena in the highly contested yet vastly open-ended Universe gave rise to an ecology of (trans)planetary systems – biological, technological and intellectual
(Vidmar, 2020, EASST.net).


The Transplanetary Ecologies workshop focuses on outer space studies, asking questions such as: how do the various infrastructures of space science exact their own ecological tolls? What do increasing calls for space sustainability mean in practice? How do contemporary configurations of (neo)colonial power, engendered by progress-oriented visions of contemporary space industries, shape our understanding of extraterrestrial environments? What forms of (trans)planetary ecologies are needed to account for the imaginaries, materialities and entanglements wrought by space science? How can our scholarship encompass these long promised cosmic futures and fast approaching space-based realities?

Join us in-person at University College London as we consider these and related questions in the Transplanetary Ecologies workshop. This in-person workshop accompanies the virtual Transplanetary Ecologies workshop that takes place on June 6th 2023. You are welcome to attend both. 

Download the full programme, directions etc for both workshops (pdf)


From 6pm onwards the in-person Transplanetary Ecologies workshop concludes with a drinks reception and launch of the exhibition ‘Little Worlds: Objects of Space Enthusiasm’. Curated by Centre for Outer Space Studies co-convener Adroyn Kozel, the exhibition focuses on structures of personal belonging, community-building, multiplanetary subjectivity and fandom, as forged through the material cultures of space. 

Links for more information

The Transplanetary Ecologies workshops are part of Space Week organised by the Centre for Outer Space Studies (COSS). To sign up for other COSS Space Week events see the Off_Earth Atlas events: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-off-earth-atlas-workshop-territories-tickets-570831401087

Organisers: Rachel Hill and Makar Tereshin on behalf of the Centre for Outer Space Studies (COSS). COSS was founded in 2019 to promote research and teaching related to the social study of Outer Space and our relationship to the cosmos and the planet. Read more about the Centre for Outer Space Studies (COSS): https://www.ucl.ac.uk/institute-of-advanced-studies/centre-outer-space-studies

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash