
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


IN PERSON: Royal Literary Fund Healthcare Science Writing Workshop: ‘Impossible Writing Clinic’

17 March 2022, 2:00 pm–4:30 pm

Image: close up of printed script / text  Image credit: Rabbit Hole Photograph

A practical writing workshop for Healthcare Science trainees and researchers attempting the ‘impossible’; whether a high-stakes challenge such as personal statement, proposal, or introduction, or managing a long-term writing project. Led by Nicola Baldwin, Royal Literary Fund Fellow and Visiting Fellow at IAS.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

All | UCL staff | UCL students | UCL alumni






Nicola Baldwin


IAS Forum
Ground floor, South Wing, Wilkins Building
United Kingdom

Are you feeling stranded or defeated in your dissertation or long-term writing project? Or, blocked by one crucial page – five hundred, one, or two, thousand words to do justice to yourself or your ideas – in a proposal or personal statement? If the answer to either of these questions is ‘yes’, then the ‘Impossible Writing Clinic’ might be for you. Creative, practical strategies to approach short- and long-term writing from new angles.

This workshop is aimed at both Healthcare Science students, and postgraduates in any subject with a specific writing goal. Whether your project is a marathon or a sprint, certain basic writing questions are the same; what to include, where to put everything, how to make your argument persuasive, why you should keep going.

The 2.5-hour session will use your own writing project as a basis for exercises.

Nicola Baldwin is a playwright and scriptwriter. Previously Creative Fellow at UCL Urban Lab, she is a Royal Literary Fund Writing Fellow, Visiting Fellow at IAS and PPI Coordinator for the Precision AMR Research Initiative at UCL / ICH and GOSH. In collaboration with Dr Elaine Cloutman-Green, Lead Healthcare Scientist at GOSH, Nicola set up the award-winning Nosocomial Project which tells ‘hospital acquired’ stories of Healthcare Scientists and patients through drama and events.

Supported by the Royal Literary Fund to promote effective Healthcare Science writing. Originating from a trial funded by NIHR Biomedical Research Centre at Great Ormond Street Hospital. This Healthcare Science Week workshop is FREE and most useful for students and researchers with reasonable confidence in written English.

Maximum: 20 people

Image: close up of printed script / text
Image credit: Rabbit Hole Photography