
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


Speculative Worlds: interacting with ideas, pasts and futures

22 June 2022–23 June 2022, 9:30 am–6:00 pm

speculative worlds logo

A two-day lab exploring how thinking speculatively informs and enhances our research practice, aimed at Doctoral Researchers and Post-Graduate Research Students across UCL & its partners.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to

UCL students






William Stewart

Participants will explore speculative thinking through collaborative imagining and making, conjuring up parallel worlds and realising alternative artefacts, re-imagined policies, fictional rituals or substitute sounds... what does your world contain? how does your world work? The lab will culminate in sharing small group work and reflections for moving forward.

Join us in experimenting with possibility and creating collaborative futures.

For PGRs by PGRs: this lab is aimed at Doctoral Researchers and Post-Graduate Research Students across UCL & its partners. We are particularly interested in a diversity of thinking and identity - we welcome participants from a range of contexts and with experiences from around the globe. Participation is free, but places are limited for this event, so please register to attend at https://bit.ly/speculativeworlds.

The event includes an evening meal on 22 June 2022 and coffee/tea/water during the day.

Octagon Small Grants Fund Logo
We have worked hard to ensure the event is free and, in return, we ask participants to commit to submitting a 300 word reflection on speculative thinking and its place in their work after the event.

Conceived and staged by UCL Doctoral Researchers: Richard Müller and William A Stewart (Dept of Geography) and Richard Sobey (Bartlett Faculty of Built Environment: CASA). Sponsored by the IAS Octagon Small Grants Fund
