
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


VIRTUAL Lunch & Learn: UCL and the History of Eugenics

28 May 2021, 12:00 pm–1:00 pm

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For the penultimate EDI lecture, we are happy to welcome Subhadra Das, UCL’s former Curator of the UCL’s Science Collection, who will help us explore UCL’s controversial history with eugenics, and why it still matters now.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







UCL Political Science

For the penultimate EDI lecture, we are happy to welcome Subhadra Das, UCL’s former Curator of the UCL’s Science Collection, who will help us explore UCL’s controversial history with eugenics, and why it still matters now.

*Trigger Warning:

Please be mindful that listeners and viewers of this series may encounter subjects which could cause mental distress. This series includes discussions about slavery, colonialism, eugenics, colourism, and other forms of epistemic violence. If you do happen to come across any material which you find distressing, please feel free to leave the meeting and let us know if you’d like to return and we will make sure you are readmitted.

Bits of housekeeping:

Lunch and Learn is an open space, encouraging productive, yet challenging dialogue about complex and often uncomfortable issues. With this in mind, please be thoughtful and engage with integrity. Racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism and classism will not be tolerated in these seminars.