
Institute of Advanced Studies (IAS)


VIRTUAL EVENT: Imagining better futures — Arts and Humanities, and the role of universities

05 November 2020, 4:00 pm–5:30 pm

the week

The pandemic has brought into focus long existing systemic injustices faced by vulnerable groups, and how difficult it can be to overcome these inequities, even where the political will to do so exists. But it has also given grounds for hope that radical and rapid change is possible. States have built new hospitals within days and taken swift action on a massive scale to control the spread of the virus.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







James Wilson

Please register and join here.

Creating radically different and better futures requires articulation of compelling new visions for human life. But in order to be more than mere utopias, and to be part of an effective transformation, visions of the future need to be reconciled with understandings of who we are and where we have come from. So an important dimension of radical change is retelling and reinterpreting the personal and political stories through which we express our identity. Imagining Better Futures explores these questions through a week of events.

The panel on Thursday 5 November focuses on the role of the arts and humanities in imagining better futures. It will explore and celebrate the role and the ability of the arts and humanities to do what other disciplines and other ways of seeing cannot. What is distinctive about the arts and humanities? What role do they play in the university? What role should they play in politics? Panellists: Maurice Biriotti (Chief Executive, SHM, and UCL A&H), Emily Baker (SELCS), Stephanie Bird (SELCS), Benedetta Rossi (History), Lee Grieveson (SELCS), Tim Beasley-Murray (SSEES) More details and register.