UCL Festival of Culture: Popular Feminisms 2018 - Definitions
06 June 2018, 6:00 pm–9:00 pm

Event Information
Open to
- All
Gender and Feminism Research Network
Institute of Advanced StudiesMalet PlaceLONDONWC1E 7JEUnited Kingdom
Join the UCL Gender and Feminism Research Network (GFRN) at the Institute of Advanced Studies for an evening salon of creativity, debate, performance and provocation. The GRFN invites you to contribute your ideas and imaginaries for new forms of popular feminism in everyday life.
Over recent decades the feminist movement has experienced a huge rise in popularity in the UK and beyond. People of all genders are claiming feminist identities and using feminism as a way to understand the worlds around them.
This event brings together activists, scholars and artists working to reimagine feminism in multiple forms for the here and now. What is popular about feminisms today? How are feminist ideas being mobilised as a response to the social and political inequalities of the twenty first century? How might feminist movements accommodate the needs of people of all genders who experience patriarchal oppression? And what are the benefits and complications of feminisms in the mainstream?
Hosted by Kate O'Donnell, a performer, writer, activist and artistic director of Trans Creative, we have invited six guests to speak from their personal and professional perspectives:
- Bridget Minamore is a writer from and based in south-east London.
- Sara Shahvisi is Director of Programmes at Fearless Futures. She is a former teacher in inner-city state schools with expertise lies on pedagogy, research, social policy and facilitation.
- R Justin Hunt is a producer, performer and lecturer whose work is oriented around and embedded within queer communities and cultures
- Dr Stephanie Davis is a scholar-activist, a queer Black troublemaker and a Psychology Lecturer at the University of East London.
- Travis Alabanza is a performance artist, theatre maker, poet and writer that works and survives in London.
- Sisters Uncut is a feminist group taking direct action for domestic violence services