Lies Seminar Series: Evidential Images
29 November 2017, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm

The IAS will host a panel discussion exploring what, exactly, photography and film can prove about 'what actually happened'. What truths could the camera capture?
Event Information
Open to
- All
Institute of Advanced Studies32037
Garwood Lecture Theatre, First Floor, South Wing
As part of this year's research theme on lies, our panellists will discuss how technologies and genres of visual media make claims to truthfulness each specific to themselves. What kind of evidence have makers of true crime documentaries like The Jinx caught on tape? How could photography, painting and print each claim to reproduce the Dauphin's true likeness in the post-revolutionary France? How was Japanese newsreel footage of events in the Pacific screened for foreign audiences? Panellists from UCL and SOAS will explore the not-so-straightforward relationship between seeing and believing through the lens of modern media history.
- Professor Stella Bruzzi (UCL, English and Film Studies),'“Evidence verité” and some of the issues raised by recent true crime documentaries’
- Dr Richard Taws (UCL, History of Art), 'Dead Ringers: Afterimages of the French Revolution'
- Dr Marcos Centeno (Film Studies, SOAS), 'Seeing Liberators, Seeing Perpetrators: Displaced Images of the Japanese Empire'