
Information Studies


Vickery Bursaries

The Department of Information Studies is delighted to announce that it has again been able to secure funding for twelve Vickery bursaries, worth £3,000 each, for students starting the MA LIS programme in 2014/15.

The bursaries will be awarded at the discretion of the Department, and there is no separate application process - students who have been offered a place on the MA LIS for the 2014/15 academic year will be considered automatically. The £3,000 bursary will be applied to the recipients' tuition fees.

The Vickery bursaries are named in honour of Professor Brian Vickery, who was the Director of the School of Library, Archive & Information Studies from 1973 to 1983. [The UCL Department of Information Studies was previously known as the School of Library, Archive & Information Studies].

In addition to his academic post at UCL Brian Vickery was a senior practitioner, having been Librarian at ICI, Deputy Librarian at the National Lending Library for Science and Technology, Librarian at UMIST, and Research Director of Aslib.  He was also a founder member of the Classification Research Group, and was one of the most influential figures in the field of classification and information retrieval and in the development of faceted classification and retrieval theory.  His many books and papers are among the most significant writings of twentieth century library and information science.  His obituary in JASIST says that "Brian Vickery was a true pioneer of Anglo-American information science, the embodiment of a style, both scholarly and personal, that is today little in evidence. He made lasting contributions to the field and will be missed greatly by many."

For more information, please see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brian_Campbell_Vickery. A recording of Brian Vickery's last public address, at UCL, can be heard at: http://www.iskouk.org/AgendaIR_June2008.htm

The Department of Information Studies is delighted to announce that it has again been able to secure funding for fourteen Vickery bursaries, worth £3,000 each, for students starting the MA LIS programme in 2014/15.