
Information Studies


Useful resources for summer school students

Since we are all interested, after all, in electronic aspects of communication, it seems fitting to provide a small range of potentially useful information to you electronically, rather than through handouts! So while you are visiting us, we hope you get a chance to visit not only some of these sites but some of the things and places they will inform you about!

Enjoy your stay at UCL DIS!

UCL Campus Route Finder
Useful tool for finding your way from anywhere to anywhere in or near UCL! Covers not only UCL locations and facilities but also nearby stations, museums etc.

UCL ISD Wireless access webpage
Info on how to set up for wireless internet at UCL. NB you count as UCL students, not visitors, as you have IDs and passwords for your stay here (these will be distributed on Monday morning when you arrive).

Transport For London website
For travel further afield, the Transport for London website has information on all modes of travel around the capital, status reports on travel conditions, an online route planner etc.

The Official London Website
A massive guide to everything about london from arts, bars and culture to zoos! A commercial site, but a one-stop shop for information on things in London. Alternatively...

Central London Information
Not as flashy as the above, but an excellent and impartial categorised guide to all kinds of London resources - and they're not constantly trying to sell things to you!

Camden Lock Market
A little to the north of UCL, Camden Lock is a great place to go shopping for unusual presents!

Oxford Street
A rather more traditional place to go shopping in London - and only a short walk from UCL!

London Theatre Guide Website
Run by the Society of London Theatre, if you want to know anything about what's going on in London Theatre, this site will tell you! It also has a page on the TKTS booths at Leicester Square (and Canary Wharf) which is a great place to get last-minute cheap tickets for many shows!

The Globe Theatre
The reconstructed Globe Theatre - quite an experience!

The National Gallery
The Tate Galleries
Websites of two of our greatest art galleries.

The South Bank
A comprehensive guide and links to all the facilities of the famous South Bank.

The National Maritime Musem, Greenwich
Home to the Royal Observatory and a short trip down the river...

Dickens World
The Dickens theme world experience, also just down the river at Chatham.

The British Museum
Just a short walk from UCL, the British Museum has a host of interesting things to see - and it's free! Make sure you visit the Royal Court and the old British Library Reading Room, and check out the list of events.

The British Library
Just across the road, and the subject of one of our visits! Do some research beforehand... :-)

The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals is in Ridgmount Street, just round the corner from us.

The official British Monarch Website
All you could wish to know about the royal family and royal events!

Website of the UK Government
The official website of HM Government...

The Meteorological Office
Want to check the weather forecast? And much more besides!

Google Maps
If you need to find your way anywhere (not just in the UK...)

Google map of key summerschool venues and routes